Season 5 Manchester By Night

Epsisode Summary of Season 5 of Manchester By Night

1. Bank holiday car boot sale - Monday 25th May

2. Superficial women - Monday 25th May

3. Random approach in Stockport - Wednesday 27th May

4. Handforth Dean - Thursday 28th May

5. In the suburbs - Friday 29th May

6. Jackpot - Friday 29th May

7. Tatton Park Classic Car Show - Sunday 31st May

8. Car wars - Friday 5th June

9. Altrincham business networking - Wednesday 10th June

Article: Are you a computer addict? - Wednesday 10th June

10. Drawback of the speed dating lifestyle - Friday 12th June

11. Rude speed dating women - Friday 12th June

12. Steve's social circle at Circle Club - Saturday 13th June

Article: Demonstrate your personality - Thursday 18th June

Article: The price of love - Friday 19th June

13. Street dating lifestyle Part 1 - Friday 19th June

14. Street dating lifestyle Part 2 - Friday 19th June

15. Escape Velocity - Saturday 20th June

16. The dating game - Monday 22nd June

17. Quality customer service - Friday 26th June

19. 90s Timewarp - Friday 26th June

Article: Yobs on the streets - Saturday 27th June

19. The south manchester lifestyle - Sunday 28th June

Article: No police presence - Monday 29th June

20. Monday night date - Monday 29th June

Article: Proud to be middle class - Wednesday 1st July

21. Casino free night out - Wednesday 1st July

22. On the way to being friends - Saturday 5th July

23. Tatton Park American Car Show - Sunday 6th July

24. Business deals - Thursday 9th July

Article: My career and dates - Tuesday 14th July

25. Dancing with my girlfriend - Saturday 18th July

26. Manchester crime gets worse - Wednesday 29th July

Manchester By Night