Planning the regular night out
Thursday 12th February

I've been considering what night to choose for the regular meeting place. Possibilities include Tuesday night, Friday or Saturday night, Friday after work or Saturday daytime.

The one that stood out as the best for meeting up with people is Friday at 7pm. Here are the reasons why:
It leaves Saturday for going to nightclubs.
Those who work outside of the city can make it in time.
People can go out at 5pm for after work drinks or a meal with co-workers and join us at the venue at 7pm.
7pm is early enough to enjoy a night out. If some people want to go to nightclubs for 10pm or 11pm they can do that too.
The night can finish at 11pm and those who go out Saturday morning will be able to get enough sleep.

Some will say 7pm is too early. No-one does anything much from 7pm to 8pm so it's better to be out. If people finish work at 6pm they can get changed at work and come straight out.

The venue
The venue has to have nice décor, pleasant atmosphere and entertainment. As we've visited so many venues in the city and have a good knowledge of what places are like – the nearest match is the Woodstock pub. It's safe, has parking, quality décor and the music playing in the background is ok.
The venue is centrally located between the city and Cheshire. People anywhere from Wilmslow to Prestwich could come out regularly.

Summary and venue reviews: Thursday 12th February

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© Alex Remizo