Gold digger from Peru
Saturday 17th January

I consider how well the last date went with Ana Marie – the lady from Peru. There were a few signs she likes money too much although many women are like that nowadays.

The point of dating someone is to find out what they're like and enjoy yourself. On the last date there were a lot of questions about money. For example she asked – “Are you renting”, “Do you have a job?”, “Do you own your own business?”, “When do you work” and she was impressed when I said I live in Altrincham at the moment. People think if you live in Altrincham you automatically have lots of money. When I said I was housesitting she changed as if she wanted an explanation why I'm not renting my own place. It reminds me of the Brazilian lady Vivien I dated, and Jackson's Brazilian girlfriend he had in the past. They were very interested in finance. It could be their culture.

Ana Marie also said how she was working so much she had little time for her degree. That she likes her handbags and accessories. On the previous date these things weren't all we talked about, they made up a small part of the conversation.

Today it becomes obvious that she is after money.

I'll call that lady I met in M-twenty a call and invite her out on a date.

Summary and venue reviews: Saturday 17th January

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© Alex Remizo